
Esther Heesch : a rumor of her big campaign, It Michaa...(2013/4/11)

Her new movie is here(German)

>Posted by swizzi at Fashion spot
>^yes, about she got discovered and how she feels about modeling. But her agent said, that Esther shot a very big campaign in New York, but she is not allowed to say which one it is...

According to fashion spot users, Esther and her agent talks about a shot of big campaign. The detail  is not unveiled. I delight in her bright though. 

Estherの新しい動画です。Fashion Spotのユーザーの話では、この動画の中でEstherがNYで既に新しいキャンペーンの撮影を行ったと言っているそうです。本人の口からのことなので、たぶん噂レベルのことではないと思います。喜ばしい!

It Michaa 2013SS

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